Monday, February 15, 2010

GKN Weekly Update 2/15/10

Happy Valentine's Day!

I hope everyone had a wonderful time and got all of the chocolate, flowers, and adoration they deserve.

So, last week I sent out my quarterly newsletter, "The Rognog". It was well-received and thanks to those of you who wrote those kind replies. I had some trouble sending it out, though. My number of contacts have grown so much that Outlook/ACT! can't seem to handle it anymore. ACT! kept crashing and Outlook only allows you to send out 50 emails at a time. Fellow GKN member Jeff Kafer recommended Vertical Response so I'm definitely going to use that next time.

TIP OF THE WEEK: I really enjoy writing my newsletter. It gives me a chance to reflect on my recent accomplishments and plan for the future. I think it's really important to take stock once in a while to see where you're at. Are you ahead of schedule when it comes to your goals? Behind? What's working? What isn't?

QUOTE OF THE WEEK: The person who wrote the advertisements is without doubt the most ignorant person now alive on the planet; also without doubt he is an idiot, an idiot of the 33rd degree, and scion of an ancestral procession of idiots stretching back to the Missing Link. Mark Twain

STUFF!: All In One Collectibles (my friend Mike's store) will be running many events this week at Dreamation, an annual gaming convention in Morristown at the Hyatt. I'll be there to help out and I encourage all you geeks to head on down!. Go to to learn more.

Have a great week!


Anonymous said...

Newsletters are a great way to reflect on your week and let your friends and followers know what is going on.

You mentioned you will be trying out VerticalResponse and I wanted to pass on this link:

It has great getting started resources including a recorded webinar about building a newsletter that works for you.



Tom said...

Hi Jenna,

Thanks for the link. I look forward to using your site!
